Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Fox and Kitty....What?

For those of you who do not know.  I work at the The University of Texas at El Paso.  I work at the Library.  In the front of our Library we have a garden with trees and flowers planted.  On Monday, one of our co-workers comes up to me and says "I don't know if you are aware, but there is a fox laying underneath a tree outside the Library.  I grabbed my camera and immediately headed out front to see this fox.  What I didn't expect was that the fox appears to have a friend!  Yes, there was a cat sitting not even two feet away from him/her!!! 

Do you need a good reason to visit the UTEP Library?  I'll give you one.  You really will be smart as a fox once you visit us!!!!  Hee, hee...

Please forgive my un-centered pictures.  I was using digital zoom from pretty far away.  It is sometimes difficult to center pictures when doing this.  Check out the pictures below:


  1. oh wow....its a wonder the lil kitty made it outa there..... or aren't those wolves harmful.

  2. Cool photos & story Kelly!!!

    ...isn't technology wonderful, letting us have a camera handy to capture such "once-in-a-lifetime" moments?

  3. That is an amazing thing to have caught on film!!! Go Kelly and coworker for telling you! He sure is a pretty fox. He looks tame in a way since he and the kitty are obviously friends. Bet they have been hanging together for awhile now :)

  4. How cute, they look hot! Thanks for sharing Kelly!
